Wolff Mechanical – Award-Winning HVAC Services

July 28, 2020

Wolff Mechanical – Award-Winning HVAC Services HVAC & AC Services Overview Wolff Mechanical has been a leader in HVAC services in Phoenix for the past 30 years. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and employing extremely knowledgeable HVAC technicians. We provide a plethora of heating and cooling services that can help handle any issue you might have. Here’s an overview of some of our services: New Construction AC Installation Traditional air conditioners Heat Pumps VRV systems Mini-Splits Air Conditioning AC Install AC

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Does My Phoenix AC Unit Need Maintenance?

June 30, 2020

Does My Phoenix AC Unit Need Maintenance? AC maintenance can be one of those home projects on your spring to do list that is super easy to put off, but don’t be tempted like that. Getting a tune-up for your heating and cooling system is one of the most important things you can do to prolong its life and save money. What is AC Maintenance? Air conditioning maintenance is any work that is done on the system that helps maintain the high working order of your HVAC units. This would not

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R-22 Refrigerant Phase-Out: What You Need to Know

February 17, 2020

If you have an air conditioning system that was manufactured before 2010, chances are it runs on a specific type of refrigerant called R-22. Refrigerant, commonly referred to as Freon®, is a mixture that undergoes phase transitions between liquid and gas as it travels through your cooling system, removing heat from the air to cool your space. Beginning in 2010, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and various other similar agencies around the world began phasing out 2010 because R-22 contains chlorine, an ozone-depleting substance. When the ozone layer is depleted, more ultra-violet radiation reaches the earth and

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Ways to Increase Energy Efficiency During Cooler Weather

November 26, 2015

Saving money on energy costs during the winter in your Central Arizona home requires nothing more than a couple of simple weekend projects, most of which are inexpensive or even free. Here are the top five ways to improve your energy efficiency, reduce your heating costs and stay warm this winter. Seal Air Leaks Air that infiltrates your home through cracks and gaps in the building’s envelope reduces your comfort level and makes your heating system work harder to keep you warm. On a windy day, close your exterior windows and doors and pass

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Fixing Heat Loss and Air Leaks in Your Home this Season

November 24, 2015

Heating your home during the winter gets expensive. By cutting down on heat loss, you can keep your family nice and cozy without compromising your bank account. Is Your Home Efficient? You know your home is efficient when your family stays comfortable through all seasons and your utility bill is reasonable for your area. If your heating bill is too high, one of the problems could be heat loss. There are several things you can do to prevent this, including energy audits, new windows, and doors, sealing air leaks, and installing insulation.

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Tips for Saving Money with Water-Efficient Plumbing Fixtures

November 17, 2015

How much do you know about water-efficient plumbing fixtures? With the average person using 80 to 100 gallons of water every day, you can save money quickly and painlessly just by installing water-efficient toilets, showerheads, and faucets. Here are a few options to get you started. WaterSense Labels When shopping for new water-efficient plumbing, look for models that have the WaterSense label. With these products, your family can save up to an average of 700 gallons of water per year. This is equal to 40 showers. Not only will you save money on your

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How to Understand the EnergyGuide Label

July 28, 2015

The EnergyGuide label found on a wide range of appliances and electronics helps consumers learn about how efficiently the appliance or device operates. The Federal Trade Commission requires that manufacturers place the labels prominently on the product or its packaging. It’s especially important to scrutinize this label on cooling equipment since the cooling load in the desert southwest is exceptionally high. Energy Efficiency Ratings All air conditioners and heat pumps manufactured after January 1, 2015, must disclose at least two energy efficiency ratings on the label. In the southwestern states, manufacturers need to indicate

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Don’t Be Tricked by These Home Cooling Myths

July 14, 2015

Home cooling myths can cause higher energy bills and stress your A/C system. If you want to save energy while staying as comfortable as you possibly can in your central Arizona home this summer, get the facts about common home cooling myths, as well as info about efficiency, A/C upgrades and tips for operating your A/C correctly. The Bigger the A/C, the Better When it’s time for you to upgrade your air conditioner, make sure it’s properly sized using HVAC industry best practices. Oversized air conditioners don’t reach peak efficiency, while new A/Cs deliver

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Summer Energy Conservation Tips for Your Phoenix Business

June 18, 2015

Expenses can soar during the summer months, in an effort to keep employees and customers comfortable and your business up and running. Simple changes to habits and a few upgrades can have a positive, lasting impact on your company’s bottom line. Here are some great energy conservation tips for businesses that can make a difference this summer and all year-round. Get Audited Invest in an energy audit to see where your energy dollars are being spent. Your auditor will provide you with a report, including tips on where you can save.

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What Every Phoenix Homeowner Should Know About Energy Audits

June 4, 2015

If opening your electric bill each month is a terrifying experience, it’s probably time to schedule a home energy audit. This in-depth inspection of your home identifies areas where energy is wasted and leads to recommendations to resolve the issues. Use a home energy audit to help you save money. What Will a Certified Home Energy Auditor Do? An experienced auditor will inspect your home and it’s various systems, including the effectiveness of the HVAC system and insulation. He or she will look for leaks and blockages in the ductwork, air leakage from cracks

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