Wolff Mechanical – Award-Winning HVAC Services

July 28, 2020

Wolff Mechanical – Award-Winning HVAC Services HVAC & AC Services Overview Wolff Mechanical has been a leader in HVAC services in Phoenix for the past 30 years. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and employing extremely knowledgeable HVAC technicians. We provide a plethora of heating and cooling services that can help handle any issue you might have. Here’s an overview of some of our services: New Construction AC Installation Traditional air conditioners Heat Pumps VRV systems Mini-Splits Air Conditioning AC Install AC

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Fixing Heat Loss and Air Leaks in Your Home this Season

November 24, 2015

Heating your home during the winter gets expensive. By cutting down on heat loss, you can keep your family nice and cozy without compromising your bank account. Is Your Home Efficient? You know your home is efficient when your family stays comfortable through all seasons and your utility bill is reasonable for your area. If your heating bill is too high, one of the problems could be heat loss. There are several things you can do to prevent this, including energy audits, new windows, and doors, sealing air leaks, and installing insulation.

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Ceiling Fans Can Optimize Your Heating System’s Efficiency

March 22, 2012

If you’re having trouble keeping your winter heating costs down, the ceiling fan is a piece of old-fashioned technology that can still be beneficial. Ceiling fans are useful year-round, and in winter they can be used to optimize the efficiency of your heating system. You’re probably aware of ceiling fans’ cooling power in the summer, but many homeowners are surprised to learn that they make you feel warmer in winter just as effectively. The key is reversing your fan’s direction to promote air circulation: the blades should rotate counterclockwise in summer and clockwise in winter.

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A Heat Recovery Ventilator In Your Phoenix Valley Home Ensures Fresh Air Without Extra Energy Costs

February 23, 2012

Though newly-constructed homes and retrofits are very sound and energy-efficient, a side effect is that the air becomes trapped and stagnant. With extreme temperatures in the Phoenix Valley, it’s not pleasant to open the windows to let in the fresh air on a cold winter day or during a sweltering heatwave. The solution to this dilemma is a climate-control system called a heat recovery ventilator, or HRV. How HRVs work: HRVs utilize two fans that circulate airflow in opposite directions. One fan blows fresh air into your home, and the other fan blows stale air

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Be Prepared For Power Outages This Year

January 31, 2012

The power supply in the Phoenix area is relatively stable, with few power outages each year. However, strong winter storms, summer thunderstorms and equipment failure can knock out the power for hours. Even though the area seldom experiences freezing temperatures, it helps to be prepared for any outage that occurs during the winter. Some of these tips apply all year long, as well, to keep yourself comfortable without the electricity. Have enough fresh batteries around the house for flashlights, a portable radio and/or a television set. It’s important to stay in touch with announcements about

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Here’s How To Effectively Use Your Heat Pump’s Thermostat

January 19, 2012

In general, programmable thermostats save homeowners money with the use of scheduled setbacks; however, heat pumps work differently. Therefore, to ensure energy savings, you need to know how to effectively use a heat-pump thermostat. Like anywhere, Phoenix-area homeowners should consider setting back their thermostats at night or when they’re away from home to lock in savings. But setbacks can be counterproductive to savings if you’re using a standard manual thermostat. This is because heat pumps don’t do a good job of making the several-degree switch from a night-time temperature of, say, 63, to the ideal daytime temperature

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Download Our Free Home Comfort Guide

June 2, 2011

We hope you’ve been following our blog each week and getting your HVAC questions answered right here. Whether it’s how to change a filter, improve your indoor air quality or size your replacement HVAC equipment, we want to make sure that you get the facts you need to make informed decisions about your home comfort. Another handy resource for homeowners is our Home Comfort Solutions Guide. This free download is available right here on our blog page, so be sure to check it out. Inside, you’ll find a wealth of information about how

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An Easy But Important To-Do: Change Those Air Filters

May 26, 2011

We often hear about the problems of outdoor air pollution, which is considerably higher in Maricopa County than neighboring Pima County. However, the air quality inside your home can be even worse than outdoor air. Because you spend about 90 percent of your time indoors, it is important to eliminate air contaminants from your heating and cooling system. Prolonged exposure to indoor air pollution may lead to health problems such as asthma or other upper-respiratory issues. A simple way to make a big difference in your indoor air quality is to change your air filters regularly. Dirty

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Welcome To Wolff Mechanical’s New Home Comfort Blog!

May 16, 2011

As a homeowner in the Phoenix Valley, you probably have a lot of questions about your heating and cooling systems. Where do you go to get the answers? We’re starting our new blog for the purpose of answering some of those questions and making it a little bit easier for you to get the comfort and indoor air quality you’re looking for. Did you ever wonder why some rooms are hot and others cold? Or why it seems like your energy bills are too high? Do you suffer from breathing problems in your

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