Fresh Air No Matter The Weather With Energy Recovery Ventilators

October 26, 2020

We spend a lot of time indoors during the summer, and Arizonians are well familiar with creative ways to cool off in 100-plus degree weather. One of the more unique technologies recently introduced, Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV), helps homeowners more than endure summers spent inside their homes. Energy Recovery Ventilators use ventilation technology that basically makes indoor air fresher, equipment more efficient, indoor air quality better and your home more comfortable. When homes are tightly sealed, it’s often difficult to get rid of old, stale air, because there are few natural leaks in the

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Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality this Allergy Season

November 10, 2015

With the change in seasons, allergy sufferers are mistaken if they think they can find refuge in the typical home. Most homes – with their airtight construction intended to maximize energy efficiency – harbor allergens along with the conditioned air you don’t want to escape. Often, the same contaminated air is re-circulated throughout the day by your heating or cooling system. However, that doesn’t mean you’re without options. Follow these guidelines for improving indoor air quality and reducing the pain and suffering from household allergies. Reduce pollution and allergy sources in your

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What Phoenix Homeowners Need to Know About Heat Gain

August 4, 2015

Because of the unrelenting summer heat, preventing heat gain in your home lowers cooling bills and improves comfort. Ample sunshine and hot temperatures make it harder for your home to resist the constant movement of heat to cooler temperatures. However, you can thwart its movement through simple home improvements and by making seasonal changes to your living habits. Windows According to SRP, one of the Valley’s electric providers, almost half the heat your home picks up comes through the windows. Homes with Energy Star or thermal-rated windows experience much less heat transfer. If upgraded

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Pet Allergies Can Be Debilitating: How an Air Cleaner Can Help, and Other Tips

January 30, 2014

Allergies are a complex condition; they can strike unexpectedly, or they can be something that plagues you from childhood. You can become sensitive to almost any substance in the environment, including, unfortunately, the pets in your home. Though getting rid of your dogs or cats is likely unthinkable, there are things you can do to address pet allergies. Pet Allergies and Symptoms The most common cause of allergic reactions to cats and dogs is to the dander they produce. Similar to humans (we produce dandruff and shed skin cells, too), pets regularly shed dander

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Dry Home? Is A Whole-House Humidifier Or Portable Unit For You?

January 27, 2012

To combat the negative effects of dry air, especially in extremely dry areas like the Phoenix Valley, a whole-house humidifier is critical. Portable units are also an option, and while both devices have their advantages and disadvantages, it’s important to evaluate each system to select the right one for your home and needs. Ease of use Whole-house humidifiers, once installed, will operate efficiently and easily, without requiring attention from you. Portable units, however, require daily attention, because the water tank has to be full in order for it to function. Capacity

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Get To Know: Electronic Air Cleaners

May 31, 2011

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the indoor air quality of Phoenix homes is often worse than the air quality outside. Dust, mold spores, germs and other pollutants circulate through the air with the potential to cause allergies, bouts of asthma and the spread of airborne diseases. Electronic air cleaners, as a result, have become popular as a way to clear the air and prevent health problems. There are many types of electronic air cleaners, though, and some do a much better job than others. There are three general types of air cleaners in common use: air

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An Easy But Important To-Do: Change Those Air Filters

May 26, 2011

We often hear about the problems of outdoor air pollution, which is considerably higher in Maricopa County than neighboring Pima County. However, the air quality inside your home can be even worse than outdoor air. Because you spend about 90 percent of your time indoors, it is important to eliminate air contaminants from your heating and cooling system. Prolonged exposure to indoor air pollution may lead to health problems such as asthma or other upper-respiratory issues. A simple way to make a big difference in your indoor air quality is to change your air filters regularly. Dirty

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In A Repair Or Replace Dilemma With Your A/C? Here’s Our Advice

May 24, 2011

Nobody can predict the future; anyone who claims otherwise had better have the lottery winnings to prove it. So, when your old air conditioning system breaks down, it can be difficult to tell whether a repair job will have it working for many years to come, or whether it’s on its last legs and should be replaced instead. There are clues you can look for, though, that give a pretty good indication of whether you would be better off simply replacing your air conditioner. Based on our experience, below are some signs that you should consider replacing

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It’s Never Too Late For A/C Preventive Maintenance: Here’s What You Should Expect From An Expert

May 18, 2011

Routine professional maintenance is the key to an efficient cooling system. Unfortunately, many homeowners neglect such maintenance, instead electing to wait until the entire system shuts down before calling in a professional. If you’re one of those people, you may be worried that your air conditioning system won’t last the summer. Luckily, it’s not too late to schedule preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is more than a simple once-over of your air conditioner. It is a thorough system evaluation by an expert HVAC technician who knows what to look for and what to adjust to ensure that your

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Welcome To Wolff Mechanical’s New Home Comfort Blog!

May 16, 2011

As a homeowner in the Phoenix Valley, you probably have a lot of questions about your heating and cooling systems. Where do you go to get the answers? We’re starting our new blog for the purpose of answering some of those questions and making it a little bit easier for you to get the comfort and indoor air quality you’re looking for. Did you ever wonder why some rooms are hot and others cold? Or why it seems like your energy bills are too high? Do you suffer from breathing problems in your

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