July 14, 2015

Home cooling myths can cause higher energy bills and stress your A/C system. If you want to save energy while staying as comfortable as you possibly can in your central Arizona home this summer, get the facts about common home cooling myths, as well as info about efficiency, A/C upgrades and tips for operating your A/C correctly.

The Bigger the A/C, the Better

When it’s time for you to upgrade your air conditioner, make sure it’s properly sized using HVAC industry best practices. Oversized air conditioners don’t reach peak efficiency, while new A/Cs deliver 30 percent or greater efficiency compared to older models.

Turn Off the Cooling System to Save Energy When You’re Away

Completely turning off the A/C can make your home uncomfortably hot when you return and tax the cooling system when it’s time to bring the temperature down. The most convenient way to enjoy energy savings when you’re away from home and during sleep hours is with a programmable thermostat.

Close Vents in Unused Rooms to Save Energy

Closing vents in unoccupied rooms may seem like a good practice to save energy, but the air conditioner is controlled by the thermostat setting, which may be unaffected by one or two rooms with closed vents. A zoning system is an ideal method to cool only occupied rooms.

Don’t Use Ceiling Fans When the A/C Is On

It’s true that ceiling fans have no impact on room temperature, but they should be used in occupied rooms while the air conditioner is on to help your body’s natural cooling process with the wind chill effect. Use ceiling fans to feel three to five degrees cooler, and turn up the thermostat to save on energy costs.

Turn the Thermostat Way Down for Faster Cooling

Your A/C system cools your home by removing heat energy from the airflow at a fairly consistent rate. Setting the temperature lower than your desired temperature won’t cool your home any faster. Use a programmable thermostat for automatic temperature changeover to your lifestyle.

Don’t let home cooling myths tax your home comfort and energy budget. Contact Wolff Mechanical for A/C solutions in your central Arizona home.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Phoenix Valley area of Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

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