Expenses can soar during the summer months, in an effort to keep employees and customers comfortable and your business up and running. Simple changes to habits and a few upgrades can have a positive, lasting impact on your company’s bottom line. Here are some great energy conservation tips for businesses that can make a difference this summer and all year-round.
Get Audited
Invest in an energy audit to see where your energy dollars are being spent. Your auditor will provide you with a report, including tips on where you can save.
Keep Your Cool
The most cost-effective way to maintain comfort and efficiency is through routine maintenance and service of your cooling system. Additional energy conservation tips for businesses include:
- Changing air filters at least every four weeks during peak cooling season.
- Installing ceiling fans to help people feel cooler.
- Using blinds, tinted shades, window film or awnings to reduce heat gain.
- Keeping exterior doors closed whenever possible. The warm air entering from outdoors will force your A/C to work harder.
See the Light
Begin by replacing old incandescent or fluorescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs for instant savings. In addition:
- Replace old EXIT signage with LED signs.
- Rely more on task lighting than overhead lights, and illuminate only those areas being used.
- Turn off all lighting and equipment after hours.
Get With the Program
Use a programmable thermostat to control the temperature, setting it to an energy-efficient 78 degrees in the summer. Install a locking cover to prevent individuals from adjusting the temperature.
Buy Energy Star
As appliances and electronics need replacing, buy those with the Energy Star logo for increased efficiency and lower energy bills. Additional tips for electronics include:
- Powering down equipment at night and turning off the power strip.
- Setting computers and monitors to revert to “sleep mode” after a set time.
For more energy conservation tips for businesses, call the experts at Wolff Mechanical, Inc. Since 1962, we have maintained the highest standards for customer satisfaction in the central Arizona area.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Phoenix Valley area of Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Syaheir Azizan/Shutterstock”